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Too Much Is Not Enough
The Cure For The Cure
Too Much Is Not Enough I got muscles, forgotten how to use ’em I got desires, but I got nowhere to put ’em I bite my nails I grind my teeth And my fingers are stained with nicotine Who’s that banging down the door? What did you close the window for? Where’d you get that stuff? No no no Too much is not enough I got some ideas, running round my head When I’m not thinking, they get up and dance naked Foot stomping rhythm Hand beating drum Flame rising higher Smoke blocking out the sun What am I waiting for? Lying here on the floor Have I had enough? No no no Too much is not enough I’ve still got some issues with you But I’d rather cut off my own head than I would talk them through Please can I have some more? What about the bottom drawer? Just a little touch? No no no Too much is not enough.
Copyright © ℗ Greg Williams 2007