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I Have No Control
Heavy Weather
I Have No Control I am not your lover just your flunky and I’ve been hanging onto you like a hopeless fucking junkie Gimme gimme gimme what I need Help me help me help me help me please I have no control I have no control I have no control I have no control Take me take me take me to that place Where I’m past pain beyond disgrace Tell me tell me tell me I’m the one Save me save me save me I’m alone I have no control I have no control I have no control I have no control I want to be someone I can be with Someone I want to be with someone I can be with Someone I am not your lover just your flunky and I’ve been hanging onto you like a hopeless fucking junkie Gimme gimme gimme what I need Help me help me help me help me please I have no control I have no control I have no control I have no control.
Copyright © ℗ Greg Williams 2001